x15 Litres of Swift Grow – Super Concentrated Liquid Fertiliser with Free Shipping
Swift Grow is a potent, natural and organic liquid fertiliser, and an ally to any of your plants.
With only 2ml required per litre, Swift Grow is one of the strongest fertilisers in the market, with a high NPK level, no added Urea and a high dose of lacto-bacillus bacteria, it is the one stop solution to help feed and nurture your plants, lawn, crops or gardens.
Swift Grow will make 500 litres of Fertiliser per 1 litre, and cover 1.4 hectares of lawns or grasslands, making it both a cheap and effective option for fertilisation, so thats 7,500 Litres for a 15 litre container, and covers 28 Hectares.
Unlike other brands, you will not need a different fertiliser for different plant types or feeding cycles, simply adjust the doseage to be stronger or weaker as you see fit, and allow your plants to reap the benefits.
Lacto-bacillus bacteria helps the plants you feed absorb more of the available nutrients, essentially allowing them to grow bigger and stronger, and increase their yield very quickly. Lacto-bacillus is an essential part of the cycle of life, that all plants, animals and humans need to more easily absorb nutrition. Eating any plants from your garden grown with Swift Grow, also passes these good bacterias to you, and this works in a very similar way to pro-biotics that you may take with your vitamins or supplements.
With no added Urea, you can be sure that the natural Nitrogen available in Swift Grow will nourish your gardens and crops, allowing them to grow healthy and strong, and also assist any sick or dying plants to be re-vitalised and healthier than ever. Urea can strip nutrition from the soil, so having 100% natural nitrogen ensures your soils and property stays rich in minerals, and avoids other ecological issues that toxic fertilisers can cause.
Typical Analysis:
Lacto-bacillus – 30%
Total Nitrogen – 10%
Available Phosphate – 3%
Soluble Potassium – 7%
Calcium – 5%
Contains Traces of: Iron, Magnesium, Manganesse, Copper, Zinc & Molybdenum
*As a natural product, the typical analysis per batch may vary slightly